Author Magazine interview with Martha Grimes
Thursday, May 13, 2010

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Washington Post Review of THE BLACK CAT
By Patrick Anderson
Monday, April 5, 2010

I set out to review some other novel this week, a serial-killer saga, but its plot was unlikely and its prose was clunky, so I tossed it, knowing that Martha Grimes’s 22nd Richard Jury mystery was waiting in the wings… read the full review
Treasure Coast Palm Beach Review of THE BLACK CAT
By Marilyn Bauer
Thursday, April 1, 2010

VERO BEACH — Author Martha Grimes has written a book a year for the past 25 years, and at 77 she has more than 25 million books in circulation. But what is most impressive about Grimes is her outspokenness, her sense of humor… read the full review
Mysteries and My Musings Review of THE BLACK CAT
By A.F. Heart
Thursday, April 8, 2010

This book was released Tuesday April 6th.  The body of an unidentified extremely fashionably and expensively dressed young woman is found behind a pub, The Black Cat, in High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire… read the full review
The Bookgasm Review of THE BLACK CAT
By Kerry Serini
Thursday, April 8, 2010

THE BLACK CAT is Martha Grimes’ 23rd Richard Jury mystery, but readers new to the author or inspector need not fear, as picking up a new one is a bit like picking up a new Miss Marple… read the full review
10 things to know about Martha Grimes
By OLINE H. COGDILL | Sun Sentinel
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Martha Grimes passes up a lot of British pubs before she spots one she likes. But her pub crawl isn’t to find a hearty ale. Instead, this American-born author is more interested in the name of the pub that she’ll use as the titley… read the full review
Mystery Books News Review of THE BLACK CAT
Sunday, April 04, 2010

It’s been three long years between books in the series, but this week the 22nd Richard Jury mystery, The Black Cat by Martha Grimes, is published by Viking. The series, the titles of which are taken… read the full review