Martha Grimes Online Radio interview with Bill Thompson’s “Eye on Books”

Bill Thompson
February 7th, 2011

The problem when you’re an author renowned for an ongoing series of mysteries is that, as Martha Grimes puts it, everything you write is marketed as a mystery, even when there is nothing in a particular book to indicate a mystery… listen to the full interview

The New York Times review of Fadeaway Girl

The New York Times
February 13, 2011

FADEAWAY GIRL (Viking, $26.95) may not be the ideal introduction to the adventures of 12-year-old Emma Graham, since the plot is too complicated to follow if you’re not familiar with previous books in the semi-autobiographical series Martha Grimes has set in some nostalgic post-World War II time warp… read the full review

For Grimes, love of stories no mystery

February 12, 2011

If she weren’t writing mysteries, Martha Grimes says, she might be running a tea shop. You were expecting perhaps an auto-parts store? No, you weren’t. Not if you know Grimes’ work… read the full review

Seattle Times review of Fadeaway girl

Seattle Times
February 12, 2011

Another intrepid and observant adolescent, Emma Graham, explored decades-old linked mysteries in Martha Grimes’ 2005 book “Belle Ruin.” But it was to no avail, and she carries on in Grimes’ “Fadeaway Girl” (Viking, 323 pp., $26.95). (The title refers to the mystery, but it also echoes a style of drawing that creates an illusory girl who fades into the background.)… read the full review review of Fadeaway Girl

By Roz Shea
February 8, 2011

Bestselling mystery writer Martha Grimes — creator of the popular Richard Jury novels, which carry the names of quaint pubs in picturesque British villages — offers the third installment of a new mystery series featuring Emma Graham.… read the full review

Dallas Morning News interview with Martha Grimes: Author Martha Grimes admires her heroine’s imagination

By David Martindale / Special Contributor
February 4, 2011

When Martha Grimes takes time away from her best-selling series of Richard Jury mysteries to write about a precocious 12-year-old sleuth and aspiring journalist, she mixes autobiographical self-portrait with a helping of wish-fulfillment… read the full review